Vitiligo Profiles
Meet some of the #DappledDarlings and vitiligo models living around the world.
In 2012, the hashtag #vitiligo was just starting to surface on Instagram. California natives April…
In 2007, Shawna Simmons moved to New York City as a young college graduate to…
Mary Kalymnou is the ultimate travel girl – a flight attendant, travel blogger and Instagram influencer…
You may have seen Bianca Schönhofer on TV recently. As one of the new faces…
Komal Patel knows who she is – inside and out. But that doesn’t stop her…
It was a warm sunny Sunday afternoon in Los Angeles, and all I wanted was…
Arianna Grace Dorfler and Lilla Helgason might be among some of the smallest models with…
Browsing Instagram one day, Bianca Schönhofer got a notification – she had a new comment…
Tiffany Taylor spent most of her life covering her vitiligo – until last Halloween. After…