4 Full-Coverage Vitiligo Makeup Routines by Beauty Vloggers

Erika Page is the Founder and Editor of Living Dappled.…
While some women with vitiligo are proud to show their spots, others prefer full coverage – and that’s okay too. Yet whether you’re just in the mood, looking for security, or enjoying the art and expression of makeup, covering vitiligo spots can be difficult. That’s where these trend-setting beauty vloggers with vitiligo come in. Experts in the makeup industry, these vloggers have put beauty products to the test and found their tried-and-true makeup routines. Lucky for us, they’re willing to share them.
In the videos below, each vlogger shares her full-coverage makeup routine for an everyday look that you can try yourself.
Everyday Natural Makeup Look by Vitiligo Beauty | 8 minutes
With more than 9 makeup tutorials and reviews, Sonam knows a thing or two about wearing makeup to cover vitiligo. Here you’ll find her everyday look in a simple, 8-minute tutorial.
Full Coverage Vitiligo Routine by Tracey Mendoza | 46 minutes
Looking to lose the glam? Tracey has you covered with her basic, go-to full-coverage look. See how she covers her vitiligo in this every day look she uses for going to the office and trips around town.
Vitiligo Makeup Tutorial by Simply Gaby | 11 minutes
Vitiligo makeup doesn’t have to be hard – just as Gaby. Sharing her everyday makeup look, Gaby talks about finding the right shade of foundation and provides a list of the products used.
Every Day Makeup Routine by Lauren Elyse | 14 minutes
Despite the poor sound quality, this makeup artist’s video tutorial has racked up more than 76,000 views. Known for her ultra-bold and attention-grabbing looks, Lauren shares her more everyday routine in this 14-minute tutorial.
Do you have a favorite online makeup tutorial? Share it with us in the comments below.
Erika Page is the Founder and Editor of Living Dappled. After getting vitiligo at the age of seven, she lost 100% of her pigment to the condition and today lives with universal vitiligo.