
This Website is owned and operated by Living Dappled LLC. The following Disclaimer is hereby incorporated into the Website’s Terms by reference, located at https://livingdappled.com/terms-of-use/.

Throughout this Disclaimer, we may refer to the website as “Website.” Collectively, we will refer to the Website and all of our content, including that found on our social media channels, as the “Company Content.” 

Your use of the Company Content constitutes your acceptance of, and agreement to, the following disclaimer (“Disclaimer). In the event that the Disclaimer is silent on any particular matter, please review the Terms for more information. 

We reserve the right to modify, alter, amend, or update this Disclaimer. This Disclaimer is subject to change without notice. If you do not agree with or do not accept any part of this Disclaimer, you must not use the Company Content.


The Company Content was developed strictly for informational purposes. We make no guarantees regarding the results that you will see from using the information provided in the Company Content.

All information in the Company Content is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied. 

We disclaim, undertake, or assume no liability for incidental or consequential damages and assume no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the use of the information provided in the Company Content. 


The Company Content is not medical advice and should not be treated as medical advice. 

The Company Content is typically centered around vitiligo in the form of education, inspiration, and community. First and foremost, the Company Content is meant for educational purposes only and should never be used for diagnosis. If you suspect you, or a child in your care, may be living with vitiligo, you must seek a diagnosis from your medical provider. 

The Company Content should not be considered a resource on medication or therapy, although it may offer education on various types of medication or therapy. It is critical that you review all changes to your lifestyle, or to a child in your care, with your medical provider. 

The medical information provided in the Company Content is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied. Nothing in the Website has been created for an individual and is solely prepared to provide general information to a broad audience. 

You must not rely on the information in the Company Content as an alternative to advice from your medical professional or healthcare provider. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment as a result of any information provided in the Company Content. 

Living Dappled LLC disclaims any liability, express or implied, arising from your use of, or for any adverse outcome or consequence resulting from your use of, the Company Content for any reason, including, but not limited to, any misuse, misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the information provided.


If noted within a particular piece of Company Content, the information may be subject to medical review by a dermatologist or other medical provider. When medical review is completed, it will be noted in the particular piece of Company Content. 

Any Company Content that has undergone medical review is general information and is for educational purposes only – it is not medical advice. Please contact your medical provider to discuss if you would like more information on a particular topic and how it may impact you or a child in your care. 


Periodically, the Company Content will include information regarding clinical trials for the treatment of vitiligo. Occasionally, our inclusion of these clinical trial announcements is sponsored by a company engaged in the trial. You are solely responsible for reviewing and conducting all due diligence on these clinical trials and making an informed decision with your medical provider if you are considering participation. We cannot and do not guarantee any results and we are not liable for any damages that you, or a child in your care, experience as a participant in a clinical trial that was promoted in the Company Content. 


The Company Content may refer to specific products or treatments. All links or product information is provided for educational purposes. You are solely responsible for completing your due diligence prior to purchasing or using any product mentioned. 


The Company Content may refer to the usage of nutrition supplements and vitamins. These references are for informational purposes only. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the statements contained in any information available in the Company Content. Individual results may vary.

If you elect to take certain vitamins or supplements based upon the information provided in the Company Content, you do so at your own risk. You agree to contact your medical provider prior to making such changes to determine if the change is appropriate for you and your medical condition.


We frequently feature stories from individuals in the Company Content to learn more about their journey with vitiligo. These are the experiences of a particular individual and may provide examples for treatment or strategies which have proven successful for a particular individual. We do not guarantee any results for utilizing the same treatments or strategies. As always, you should talk to your medical provider prior to making any changes based upon information featured in the Company Content.  


The Company Content includes references to third-party companies, which is provided for informational purposes only. Unless specifically stated, we are not a partner or owner in any company linked or included in the Company Content. 

If you choose to use a third-party company linked in the Company Content, you assume all risk regarding such transactions. We make no representations or guarantees regarding any third-party company. 

It is your sole responsibility to investigate all third-party companies linked in the Company Content. 


From time to time, the Company Content may feature testimonials or ratings from past customers for marketing purposes. These are examples of the experiences of these individuals/companies and have been posted with permission. This content does not contain explicit or implied claims regarding the results to be achieved by using the information provided in the Company Content. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will have a similar experience.


You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your use of the information provided in the Company Content. We make no representations, warranties, or guarantees. You understand that results may vary from person to person. We assume no responsibility for errors or omissions that may appear in the Company Content.

Last Updated: October 2024