Girls with Vitiligo Speak Up for Dove’s ‘My Beauty My Say’ Campaign

Erika Page is the Founder and Editor of Living Dappled.…
Over the years, Dove’s brand has become known for championing women’s beauty, and their latest campaign is no exception. Featuring women who stand up for their own beauty, the ‘My Beauty My Say’ campaign aims to redefine “beautiful” by breaking away from traditional standards. It’s a message that speaks straight to heart of girls with vitiligo.
As girls with spots, we’re constantly working to redefine the modern understanding of ‘beauty’ both in our own minds and to the world. Walk down the street and you’ll feel the eyes of strangers comparing you to their own constructs of beauty. And once you’re inside, standing in front of your mirror, your own inner critic can come out to challenge you too.
Dove’s campaign leads the way for girls who want to redefine beauty by introducing female role models who have overcome negative perceptions about body image in their own lives. The campaign encourages women to stand up for their own beauty by sharing their stories. And that’s exactly what the Living Dappled community is doing.
What Our Own Girls with Vitiligo Had to Say
Inspired by the campaign’s message, we asked our readers for their stories on how they’ve overcome negative perceptions to find confidence in their skin. Using the “They said… I said…” formula shared by Dove, our Instagram followers chimed in with these uplifting responses:
“They said …. You aren’t beautiful. I said… Then you don’t know the definition. Real beauty comes from the inside.” – Sandra Reese @sandraelizxo
“They said… What’s wrong with your face? I said… Nothing, my skin is perfect.” – Micaela Cantu @mica_8
“They said…your spots are unattractive, something must be wrong with you. I said… My skin is beautiful and I will embrace my condition.” – Tiffany Posteraro Grant @tiffgrant15
“They said… Something tragic must have happened to you. I said… I’m not afraid to talk about my spots.” – Erika Page @erikapage
“They said… You must have been burned horribly to have scars like that, how do you manage? I said… I was born with white tattoos, they’re not scars. I love the skin I was born into.” – Katrina Marie @spotted.kat
“They said…you have a disease and are a freak! I said…my skin is gorgeous and I will tell whomever will listen about vitiligo.” – Alicia Roufs @minnesotavitiligosupport
Join the campaign with your own story
Living Dappled is joining Dove in encouraging girls and women to share their own stories about overcoming beauty standards with the hashtag #MyBeautyMySay. Share your story in the comments below or post your story on Instagram and tag @LivingDappled and @Dove in your post.
Erika Page is the Founder and Editor of Living Dappled. After getting vitiligo at the age of seven, she lost 100% of her pigment to the condition and today lives with universal vitiligo.