Struggling with Vitiligo? Here’s Advice from 9 Women with the Condition

Erika Page is the Founder and Editor of Living Dappled.…
Struggling with vitiligo? You aren’t alone. Despite the increasing number of media stories about people with vitiligo finding confidence and self-acceptance, the reality is that many people still struggle with the disease day to day. Watching your skin color change before your eyes can be mentally and emotionally difficult – and that’s before you walk out the door and must deal with reactions from the rest of the world. It’s not always easy – and we get that. That’s why we’ve rounded up advice on how to cope. Here, nine women with vitiligo share advice on how to approach life with vitiligo.
“Don’t freak out [over] something that you can’t control. Try to embrace it as soon as possible. Probably you will fail, and it’s ok. Just keep trying. Many succeeded and they are [stars] and role models today.” – Bobbie
“You’re gonna have good days and bad days. Don’t let the stares bother you because you are wonderfully made and serve a beautiful purpose in teaching others that we can be “walking-talking piece of art.” So keep your head held high and smile at those who stare at you!” – Izzy
“Just be yourself, don’t let it affect you negatively! Most people just don’t care about our white spots so why you should care? We are unique!” – Kristina
“Don’t let this condition make you feel unhappy. There are so many people out there that are struggling with something worse. Take care of yourself, protect your spots from the sun and be proud of your uniqueness!” – Dimitra
“Look in the mirror every day and say positive affirmations about yourself, even if you don’t believe them. Your thoughts and words manifest into reality, so be wise about how you think and talk about yourself. Accept the uncontrollable and don’t let them stop you from being free in who you are.” – Dyonna
“Accepting Vitiligo is one of the hardest things to do… but after 16 years with it, I’ve come to feel blessed in the skin and body that I’m in. I was made this way for a reason, and I’m unique. My 17-year-old son shares the condition with me! The 1% guys! We are a unique, beautiful, humble, and special RARE breed!” – April
“You are walking art. Own it. You’re unique and gorgeous.” – Kyra
“If you’re confident in yourself, no one can take that away from you. Let yourself decide how you want to be perceived, don’t let the vitiligo do it for you. Stay true to you.” – Deepa
“Embrace who you are. There’s only one you. Never forget how unique you are. The world needs one of you.” – Gabriela
Erika Page is the Founder and Editor of Living Dappled. After getting vitiligo at the age of seven, she lost 100% of her pigment to the condition and today lives with universal vitiligo.