7 New Year’s Resolutions for Embracing Health and Confidence with Vitiligo

Erika Page is the Founder and Editor of Living Dappled.…
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If you thrive in this season of vision boards, goal-setting, and resolutions, you’re in the right place. (Don’t mind the pile of sticky notes and journals behind me.) But have you ever thought about setting goals that can help you live with vitiligo?
The start of a new year is a perfect time to set goals that foster health, self-love, and personal growth. For those living with vitiligo, embracing confidence and well-being can be especially empowering to unlocking the life you want. Yet for some, the lack of control and ever-changing identity resulting from vitiligo can threaten to hold you back from realizing those goals.
It’s true—you can’t control your vitiligo. But you can control how you resolve to invest in your health and happiness this year. Here are seven ways I’ve invested in my own life that have helped me transform the way I live with vitiligo. Embrace this new year as an opportunity to grow and live boldly in the skin you’re in.
1. Practice daily self-affirmations
Let’s pour some self-love into your routine. Begin each day by speaking affirmations that celebrate your worth and beauty—and yes, that includes your vitiligo too. Statements like, “My skin tells my story, and I am proud of it,” or, “I am beautifully and wonderfully made,” can set a positive tone for your day.
These affirmations can also come in handy when negative self-talk starts to creep in as you navigate your day. Speak these affirmations to yourself in the mirror or write them into your journal. If you need a reminder to build the habit, try posting a sticky note or calendar reminder to repeat your affirmations.
Read More: Need a list of affirmations for vitiligo? We’ve got 50 of ‘em.
2. Create a personal care team
Vitiligo can be an overwhelming diagnosis and loss of the sense of control over who you are and what you look like. It not only impacts your body but can take a toll emotionally and socially. As you navigate life with the condition and these changes, you deserve to have a team of people supporting you each step of the way.
First up: a dermatologist. Yes, you need to see a dermatologist regularly (even if you don’t want to treat your vitiligo) to get screened for other autoimmune conditions. You may also consider including a therapist, nutritionist, stylist, or cosmetologist on your team to help you look and feel your best.
3. Take care of your skin, and your vitiligo
Yes, you should wear sunscreen daily (I’m a long-time fan of Coola’s facial sunscreen), and especially if you live with vitiligo as the lack of melanocytes in your skin can increase your chance of sunburn in those areas of your skin. In fact, dermatologists recommend using a daily sunscreen or sunblock with an SPF of at least 30 if you live with vitiligo. But you can also think about your entire suite of products that you apply to your skin to ensure the products are free from harmful chemicals that could trigger further progression of vitiligo.
Read More: 12 top-rated sunscreens for vitiligo
4. Prioritize health for your mind and body
Feeling good about your skin can often start with feeling good, period. Taking care of your body and mind can make sure you are in peak condition to tackle the physical and emotional challenges of vitiligo. For me, this looks like daily movement, hydration, and journaling.
Regular physical activity can boost your mood and reduce stress, which can sometimes exacerbate skin conditions. Choose activities you enjoy, like yoga, walking, or dancing, to make exercise a joyful habit. Consider incorporating mindfulness, prayer, or therapy into your routine to nurture your mental and emotional well-being. These practices can help you manage stress and maintain a positive outlook.
5. Face your fears and embrace the life you want
Is vitiligo holding you back from living the life you want? You aren’t alone. For years, I changed the way I dressed, avoided swimsuits, and covered my skin with self-tanners. The idea of showing anyone my skin was enough to make me sick to my stomach. My first steps towards “facing my fears” were truly accidental—I ended up going to a grocery store without makeup in a pinch.
The fear turned into freedom, and over a few years, I changed the way I live with vitiligo. Consider taking just one step this year away from your fears and into the life you want. Go to the gym without makeup, wear the dress, and book the tropical vacation. Your future self will thank you.
6. Surround yourself with people who “get it”
Living with vitiligo can feel lonely — but it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, connecting with the vitiligo community has hands-down been the most transformative tool I’ve had for living with vitiligo. Join a support group or an online community of women with vitiligo (psst… we have one!).
Sharing experiences with others who have lived with the same condition can provide both encouragement and comfort, reminding you that you are not alone. Support can be found through local meet-ups, Facebook groups, or virtual memberships. Not ready to join a group? Ask a friend or family member to be a listening ear or sounding board for you.
Read More: Here’s your guide to finding local and virtual support for vitiligo.
7. Celebrate your skin and your story
Every step you take toward better health and confidence is worth celebrating. Keep a journal of your achievements, no matter how small, and take time to reflect on how far you’ve come. For me, this came in the form of a body confidence workshop and photo shoot as I celebrated my 30th birthday.
I also keep a daily gratitude journal to focus on the “glimmers” both in life and tied to my skin. For some, art (like outlining your vitiligo) or even experimenting with makeup can be powerful ways to express yourself and process your feelings. Don’t shy away from expressing your creativity in ways that make you feel beautiful and confident.
Erika Page is the Founder and Editor of Living Dappled. After getting vitiligo at the age of seven, she lost 100% of her pigment to the condition and today lives with universal vitiligo.