Tiffany Posteraro Grant

Tiffany Posteraro Grant is a New York based entrepreneur and owner of Perfect Penguin Consulting, a digital dating consultation company. In her free time, she enjoys fitness, reading and time spent with her husband and two corgis.

5 Articles Published | Follow:
How We’re Advocating For Change in The Vitiligo Community

Over the last decade, people have been passionately advocating for change in the vitiligo community.…

woman with vitiligo making a heart with her hands
4 Ways to Love Yourself, Spots and All

If you struggle to love yourself – and especially your vitiligo – you aren’t alone.…

I Went to the World Vitiligo Day Conference… And Then This Happened

Having just spent three legendary days at the World Vitiligo Day Conference in Massachusetts, I…

Inside a NYC Vitiligo Support Group Meeting

Just over a year ago, I attended my first vitiligo support group meeting in NYC…

5 Things I Learned about Living with Vitiligo at World Vitiligo Day

Last week, I packed my bags and made the trip from Brooklyn to Washington, D.C.…