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How to Get a World Vitiligo Day Proclamation for Your Hometown—And Why It Matters

How to Get a World Vitiligo Day Proclamation for Your Hometown—And Why It Matters

Graphic image with speech bubble, megaphone and the text "World Vitiligo Day Proclamations"

In the vitiligo community, the month of June is a big deal. If you are someone who lives with vitiligo or has a connection to vitiligo, you may think of June as Vitiligo Awareness Month. But did you know that there’s no official federal designation for this month to highlight vitiligo awareness and advocacy? While the U.S. government observes several heritage months and awareness efforts, Vitiligo Awareness Month hasn’t made the list—yet.

That’s why VITFriends, a national nonprofit support group, is leading the charge to change this—starting at the local level. This ongoing campaign aims to get local and state governments to recognize June as Vitiligo Awareness Month and June 25th as World Vitiligo Day.

Here’s why this effort matters—and how you can petition your local officials for a proclamation.

Why you should get a proclamation for vitiligo

Why does official recognition matter? According to the VITFriends website, “A proclamation…can be a great way to educate the public about a specific issue or bring attention to a cause.” Because a proclamation “carries the full support of a key government official in your state or community,” it’s an effective way to generate public support and awareness. 

Dozens of localities and states have already issued proclamations thanks to these efforts, elevating general awareness of vitiligo and educating many about the condition. Arizona, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota and North Carolina are among the states that officially recognize June as Vitiligo Awareness Month.

But there’s more work to be done to get vitiligo the widespread attention it deserves. You can be a part of that work (and it’s simpler than you may think). 

How to request a proclamation

Ready to join the campaign? VITFriends provides a step-by-step guide to requesting a proclamation. The guide includes tips for contacting your local officials, sample language for the proclamation, a cover letter template, and more helpful information. 

Here are some basic guidelines to consider when you apply:

  • Apply at the beginning of the year and follow up regularly
  • Use the Guide to Requesting a Proclamation created by VITFriends to access state-specific information and links
  • Petition your local or state government to declare June as Vitiligo Awareness Month or June 25th as World Vitiligo Day
  • Use local procedures for submitting a proclamation request

If your proclamation is approved, you will be invited to a virtual or in-person meeting or event where the proclamation will be signed. Then, it’s time to celebrate and spread the word.

How to celebrate your proclamation 

If you receive a proclamation—congrats! Now it’s time to make the most of it, and use this opportunity to raise even further awareness for vitiligo.

There are a number of ways you can celebrate, including:

  • Invite family and friends to the signing event (be sure to ask how many people you can bring) and share pictures on social media to mark the occasion
  • Send copies of the proclamation to local media with your personal story
  • Bring friends and family or your local vitiligo support group to the capitol or city hall to celebrate this recognition of vitiligo
  • Share your proclamation on social media using the hashtags #VitiligoAwarenessMonth and #WorldVitiligoDay


Despite the vitiligo community celebrating June as Vitiligo Awareness Month and June 25th as World Vitiligo Day, there is no official federal designation. The vitiligo community, through the leadership of the nonprofit VITFriends, is seeking to secure local proclamations in recognition of these two events. You have an opportunity to be part of the movement and help spread awareness by petitioning for greater recognition of World Vitiligo Day and Vitiligo Awareness Month. 

Visit the VITFriends website to access the guide and learn more:

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