Sara Conley

Sara is vitiligo mom and patient providing support, community and awareness for vitiligo in Phoenix, Arizona. She and her son, Titus, were diagnosed in the spring of 2018. Find her on Instagram at @vitiligofamily.

4 Articles Published | Follow:
How Having a Pet Can Help You Cope with Vitiligo

Remember White Eyed Rowdy? Rowdy is the Instagram-famous black labrador retriever from Oregon who developed…

girl on stool reads book
Resources for Those Coping With a New Vitiligo Diagnosis

My son and I were both diagnosed with vitiligo this spring. Going through the diagnosis…

woman with vitiligo holds hands over face
Vitiligo: One Diagnosis With So Many Emotions

This past April, my ten-year-old son Titus was diagnosed with vitiligo after he woke up…

I Found Out I Had Vitiligo… Two Months After My Son

This year I became a vitiligo mom and a vitiligo patient. My son and I…