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Book Giveaway: The Spotted Girl Who Empowered the World

Book Giveaway: The Spotted Girl Who Empowered the World

The Spotted Girl book cover featuring woman with vitiligo

An international model and actress with vitiligo, Iomikoe Johnson is used to advocating for the vitiligo community. In fact, she’s been featured on everything from the Daily Mail to Independent and countless other media outlets. Unfortunately, the reaction isn’t always positive.

After her interview with This Morning garnered more than 3 million views on YouTube in 2017, Iomikoe couldn’t help but notice the negative  comments.

The Spotted Girl who Empowered the World

“Once it aired, I went to see the comments to say thank you, but what I read was disrespectful and mean,” shared Iomikoe, who has lived with vitiligo for 14 years. “I absolutely love my vitiligo. But I could only imagine the pain and hurt I’d feel if I was a young girl sharing my story and reading this.”

That experience sparked an idea for her and just two years later, Iomikoe is the author of a trailblazing book called The Spotted Girl Who Empowered the World. Following the story of a teenage girl, Karrina Johnston, the book navigates her life as a high school student who suddenly develops vitiligo.  The diagnosis sparks an incredible journey of self-discovery and self-love. With the help of Karrina’s family and friends, she finds the strength to defy all odds and become a hero who empowers others to love the skin they’re in too.

“I wanted  to write a guide so others can find healing like I did,” said Iomikoe, who struggled with her own diagnosis at first. “I want to  show them you can do anything you set your  mind to.”

For a chance to win a free copy of The Spotted Girl Who Empowered the World , follow Living Dappled on Facebook and like and comment on their Facebook post by Tuesday, March 19 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Watch Iomikoe’s interview with NowThis Daily here.

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