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6 Reasons You Should Book a Trip to Detroit for World Vitiligo Day 2017

6 Reasons You Should Book a Trip to Detroit for World Vitiligo Day 2017


Simply put, you’re going to want to book a trip to Detroit for World Vitiligo Day 2017 – and here’s why.

Taking place June 23-25 in Detroit, Michigan, the U.S. World Vitiligo Day 2017 celebration isn’t just a conference – it’s your chance to have a life-changing experience. How often do you get leading dermatologists, advocates and patients all in the same room? How often are you surrounded by people who understand exactly what your life with vitiligo is like? The answer is simple – only once a year.

Here’s why you don’t want to miss this event:

#1 You’ll get to meet leading doctors and advocates in the vitiligo community.

Focusing on the face, voice and science of vitiligo, World Vitiligo Day 2017 will feature a lineup of speakers that includes dermatologists, advocates, bloggers and nonprofit CEOs. In other words, you’re going to meet some of the movers and shakers within the vitiligo community – people that are on the front lines of finding a cure, supporting patients and raising awareness for vitiligo. Ask the experts your questions in person and hear first-hand about the future of vitiligo and what’s happening today.

#2 You’ll be part of a one-of-a-kind gathering.

There is only one time each year when the vitiligo community drops what they’re doing to make time to travel across the country – and sometimes the world – to be together. You won’t find another event that brings people of all ages with vitiligo – and their doctors – to the same place like World Vitiligo Day. And more than that, you’re part of a vitiligo celebration that reaches around the world with the global event being held in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

#3 You’ll finally feel like you aren’t alone.

It’s easy to feel alone when you live with vitiligo, but “alone” isn’t a feeling you’ll have at World Vitiligo Day. Surrounded by people with vitiligo, you’ll suddenly realize that there are other people out there just like you. People who have shared your thoughts, doubts and struggles. People who know what it’s like to hate the reflection in the mirror. People who deal with stares from strangers. And sharing those common connections will help you feel more secure and “normal” in your everyday life – like someone finally “gets it.”

#4 You’ll get to take action toward the future of vitiligo – and hopefully a cure.

According to Dr. John Harris, director of the University of Massachusetts Vitiligo Clinic and Research Center, everything that needs to be done for vitiligo patients, including funding, research and lobbying, comes back to raising awareness. By showing up to World Vitiligo Day, you’re raising awareness in your personal networks and contributing to the strength of the collective vitiligo community in its call for help. You’re doing something towards ending the suffering of those with vitiligo.

#5 You’ll help educate the world about vitiligo.

The bigger the World Vitiligo Day celebration, the more attention the event will get from the media, resulting in more awareness for the vitiligo community. And the more awareness we build, the more people we educate about vitiligo. And hopefully that means that somewhere, one less person will be stared at, judged or bullied because of our efforts.

#6 You’ll leave feeling like you’re a part of something bigger than yourself.

When you learn about everything that is happening within our community at World Vitiligo Day, you’ll realize that this isn’t just about you – it’s about us. It’s not about your personal pain – it’s about our collective pain. And suddenly, things like explaining vitiligo to someone on the street becomes more of a service to the vitiligo community than a personal struggle. You’re struggle will gain purpose as you become a part of the bigger story.

Now is the time to take action. Registration for World Vitiligo Day closes on June 2. So don’t sit back. Stand up and do something for the vitiligo community and for yourself. Register for World Vitiligo Day 2017 at and join our World Vitiligo Day Facebook event for updates and information.

Questions about World Vitiligo Day? Email or share your question in Living Dappled’s WVD 2017 Facebook Group and we’ll reply with the answer.

View Comments (14)
  • YES YES YES!!! LOVE THIS!!! I will be sharing this everywhere! For sure, this is something that is “bigger than yourself!”

  • Yes! It is well-worth your time and effort! You will be blessed and make lifelong friendships and it makes you want to live your life and not be ashamed knowing there’s brothers & sisters with vitiligo going through like you are but get up and get at it everyday regardless!

  • Thank you for sharing this information Erika! I’ve met other Vit Family that weren’t even aware of this big event where we come together! As the Founder of The Houston Vitiligo Awareness Movement, I’m excited for those of us who will be traveling to Detroit. I’m even more excited about what we will learn & can bring back to share with our community. #EmbraceWhoYouAre #HVAM

    • Thanks Diane! Happy to help spread the word. Glad to hear you’ll be there!!

  • Erika you’ve summed up everything that happens at WVD and the importance of being there and what it can do for our community on a global level. I will be sharing this again and again. Thank you!

  • I love this! My whole life ive always been ashamed to embrace my Vitilgo! Today i posted a picture of myself to Instagram family and friends were very proud of me! Im so happy for myself! I would love to come!!

    • Aw congrats, Shakeela!! So happy for you. That’s #livingdappled – owning your spots even when it’s hard, even when it’s scary. Make sure you register before June 2!

  • My daughter is 11 and has vitalago. It is spreading rapidly and she is scared. I just found out about vitalago day and love that something like this exists. Are there any other support groups or events like this that we can participate in since we unfortunately missed this one?

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