Erika Page

Erika Page is the Founder and Editor of Living Dappled. After getting vitiligo at the age of seven, she lost 100% of her pigment to the condition and today lives with universal vitiligo.

252 Articles Published | Follow:
two girls with vitiligo smile at each other
What Your Friends Actually Think About Your Vitiligo

Growing up, I rarely talked about my spots – not even with my friends or…

What Happened When I Gave Myself Permission to Be a Girl with Vitiligo

Most of my life as a girl with vitiligo has been all about “keeping up…

The Girl Behind the “It’s Called Vitiligo Tattoo”

Sitting down to talk with Tiffany Posteraro – now Tiffany Grant as she married her…

girl with vitiligo in bed
Inside the Breakdown of a Girl with Vitiligo

We’ve all been there – the breakdowns that end in tears. The pain, frustration and…

8 Ways to Start Learning to Love Your Life with Vitiligo

Being a very literal person, I’ve always wished there was a roadmap to loving my…

What It’s Like to Live through Every Stage of Vitiligo

I’ve been living with vitiligo for twenty years – that’s right, two decades. The first…

The Truth about Learning to Love Your Life with Vitiligo

Learning to love your life with vitiligo is like learning to ride a bike –…

What It’s Like to Have a Friend Who Chooses You Because of Your Vitiligo

There’s something special about the friends of those with vitiligo. These friends have no small…

Living with Vitiligo: It’s Not How You Look, It’s How You See

As a girl living with vitiligo for twenty years, I know all too well how…