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Zanderm Model Tiffany Grant Dishes on the Brand’s Vitiligo Concealer

Zanderm Model Tiffany Grant Dishes on the Brand’s Vitiligo Concealer

woman with vitiligo before and after camouflage is applied to her arms

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Beauty companies make a lot of promises about their products – and Zanderm is no exception. So when we heard that the brand’s vitiligo concealer claims to be smudge-resistant, long-lasting and fragrance-free, we had a few questions. What does smudge-resistant mean? Can it really camouflage spots? How long does it last?

Not only did we ask the questions – we got the answers on live video thanks to Tiffany Grant, a woman with vitiligo who recently had the opportunity to work behind-the-scenes with Zanderm. Tiffany got her first spots after falling and scraping her knees at the age of seven. For the next 17 years, she tried to hide her skin with clothes, makeup and tanners. In fact, she even tried Zanderm – but found that the shades didn’t quite match her natural skin tone at the time.

A few years later, Tiffany decided to reach out to Zanderm after hearing about the company’s expanded selection of shades. The connection landed her an opportunity to model the vitiligo concealer and travel to New Jersey to test Zanderm’s new shades in their all-natural beauty lab.

“They used my body as a palette to create these shades,” said Tiffany about working with Zanderm’s cosmetic chemists to test their new collection of shades. “There were multiple colors that ended up working for me, but we found one that camouflaged the best.”

Tiffany didn’t hesitate to show us how to use it during the interview – and explain the two types of applicators that the concealer comes in.

“I think of it like coloring in a coloring book,” said Tiffany, showcasing the pen applicator that she uses to color in her spots. “The wide applicator is great for larger areas like my face, where I don’t have spots, and on my neck.”

Although everyone’s experience is different, Tiffany said it takes just three and a half minutes to cover her face and neck – she even timed it. She also found that the product stayed on her skin for a few days, meaning she didn’t have to reapply every morning. Add those to the list of reasons she had to gush about the concealer.

“It has no fragrance,” said Tiffany. “It doesn’t clog your pores; it’s made from all-natural ingredients; it’s breathable; it feels like your skin. It doesn’t feel like I have any makeup on – because it’s not makeup.”

Watch the full interview below to find out what else Tiffany had to say about the vitiligo concealer and head over to to shop the new line of shades.

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