How People Around the Globe Celebrated World Vitiligo Day 2020

Erika Page is the Founder and Editor of Living Dappled.…
World Vitiligo Day, celebrated on June 25th each year, is a global day of recognition for the 1% of the world living with the autoimmune disease and condition. Each year, those with vitiligo and their families, doctors and advocates take to social media to share their stories, raise awareness and celebrate the strength and beauty of this community.
Here are just a few ways that the vitiligo community celebrated World Vitiligo Day 2020.
This stitchwork designer embroidered a vitiligo self-portrait
Anamaria Torres, a stitchwork designer based in Bogota, Colombia, celebrated this vitiligo holiday by embroidering a self-portrait showing her vitiligo. In the caption, she writes: “The spots in this image are gone, and I only have a few left on my body. But I wanted to make this drawing to remember them and show them off, since I never dared to do it while I had them. However, they can reappear at any time, so this exercise was also to recognize them as part of me and accept them.” (Note: Translated via Google Translate). View the Instagram post here.
This vlogger and Instagram influencer shared her vitiligo story for the first time
Bri, a vlogger and Instagram influencer with more than 80k followers, took to Instagram and YouTube to open up about her vitiligo for the first time. Since getting vitiligo four years ago, Bri has been covering her skin and editing pictures to hide her skin because she was scared of losing her job and getting questions. In her videos, she shares that although its still a daily struggle to accept her skin, she’s relieved to finally share this journey. You can watch her IGTV video here and her YouTube video here.
French feminine products brand Fava celebrated with an inspiring message
Fava, a French feminine products brand, celebrated World Vitiligo Day by sharing an illustration by Mary Long and the following inspiring message: “You are beautiful as you are. The color of your skin, your hair, your quantity of moles, freckesl, your hair (or not) are the little things that make you what you are and that make you beautiful.” (Note: Translated via Google Translate.) You can view the Instagram post here.
“Vitiligo and Me” instagrammer hosted a live chat with TV host Lee Thomas
Joti Gata-Aura, also known as “Vitiligo and Me” through her Instagram handle, hosted an Instagram live event with TV host and author Lee Thomas. An Emmy-award-winning TV broadcaster and movie critic, Lee can often be found on WJBK Fox 2 Detroit. Lee is also a certified diversity professional, storytelling and inspiring vitiligo advocate. During the interview, Joti and Lee talk about Lee’s career in the limelight and his personal journey living with vitiligo. You can watch the interview here.
This Instagrammer raised awareness around vitiligo bullying
“She looks like a cow.” These were the words that Anna had scribbled across her spotted arm in her World Vitiligo Day post. The powerful message raised awareness around the stigma and bullying that can be associated with vitiligo. In her caption, Anna shares that although the memories are painful, she would not be who she is today without them – and she’s ready to be different. You can view her Instagram post here.
The Vitiligo Society hosted a live chat with skin coach Natalie Jones
The Vitiligo Society, a UK-based charity providing vitiligo support, inspiration and education, hosted an Instagram live event with skin coach Natalie Jones. Trained in health and cognitive behavioral coaching, Natalie struggled with vitiligo for many years herself and is now sharing her research and tips on how to find skin health and emotional wellbeing. During the interview, Natalie shares ways to feel confident and manage stress when living with vitiligo. You can watch the interview here.
The Lauren and Anthony Tube released an “I’ve Got Spots” story reading
The Lauren and Anthony Tube is a channel for families and children hosted by Anthony and his wife, Lauren, who has vitiligo. For World Vitiligo Day, the couple released a surprise book reading of I’ve Got Spots, a book about vitiligo written by Danielle Wheeler and illustrated by Jennifer Ferguson, and performed the song by Danielle and Nick Davio, I’ve Got Spots, which is available on Spotify. You can view – and sing along to – this this special YouTube episode here.
This Instagrammer created a vitiligo pride video with messages from around the world
Anita Harvey, a model with vitiligo who was previously featured in Vogue Italia, collected World Vitiligo Day messages from people around the world and published a video collage on her Instagram page. The five-minute video features inspiring messages celebrating vitiligo from places like the USA, UK, Colombia, Germany, Sweden and more. You view the Instagram video here.
This “Vitiligo Princess” launched a new clothing label
Briana, who calls herself “The Vitiligo Princess” on Instagram, celebrated World Vitiligo Day by announcing the launch of her new clothing label, Pigment. According to the website, Pigment was created to “help others look and feel good despite their personal insecurities.” You can shop the new clothing line at
Editor’s Note: There’s still one more event on the books. Join My Vitiligo Team and the Global Vitiligo Foundation for a virtual World Vitiligo Day event featuring vitiligo advocates, inspiring speakers and leading vitiligo specialists on Saturday, June 27 at 1 p.m. EDT. Learn more and register here.
How did you celebrate World Vitiligo Day 2020?
Erika Page is the Founder and Editor of Living Dappled. After getting vitiligo at the age of seven, she lost 100% of her pigment to the condition and today lives with universal vitiligo.